Friday, July 31, 2009

Sitting on the runway still waiting out the weather. Some of the team are already sharing Jesus with people...
On the plane; 2 other mission teams on our plane.

Stay tuned for updates after we arrive....

Don't forget to pray
Pastor Randy

3am came quickly and most of the team didn't sleep... Nik S is serenading us as we drive to Atlanta. Everyone is excited.
Jesus, here we are in Your hands, ready to do your will

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

CC Pena Blanca's Building Project

Part of our ministry in Honduras will be to serve CC Pena Blanca by contributing to the ongoing building project!

Currently the Church has dirt floors, but God willing by the end of next week we will have...
1. Brought in countless wheelbarrow loads of dirt to level the floor
2. Mixed (By hand), poured (i.e. filled up and pushed wheelbarrows), and finished more concrete than an entire concrete truck could deliver

It is now the rainy season, and one of our projects is to figure out how to deal with the incredible amount of water that runs down the dirt road and through the Church property. Our job will be to put together and execute a plan to divert the runoff away from the Church building and if possible, the entire property. We've agreed to hire a man who owns a piece of earth moving equipment to spend 2-3 days working on this project. God has provided the finances, pray that He gives us the practical wisdom to get this project finished.
The team from Pastor Gary's Church in Abq tackled this problem last week. During the spring storms this tree fell on the newly constructed Children's building. The Abq team were able to lay 9 more courses of block, and if we are able to lay 2 more (God willing) we'll begin constructing the roof.

Pray for strength....

Pastor Randy

Safety or Submission?

Matthew 10:16Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves

Over the last 6 weeks or so Honduras has been in a state of political unrest. Although the civil unrest that has resulted has been very mild compared to other parts of the world experiencing these same problems, they are problems nonetheless.

Unfortunately, the mainstream media's reports of civil unrest in Honduran cities has resulted in many of the Honduran missionaries being recalled by their missions boards. Entire denominations have brought their Honduran missionaries home to "Watch and wait". Meanwhile, the work of the gospel and the practical ministry has all but ceased in many places, including Pena Blanca, where the absence of the missionaries is being felt by the residents. Medical missions have diminished, service oriented missions have diminished, and most importantly, evangelism isn't taking place. The news is reporting one thing, but our Missionaries in Pena are reporting "Business as usual", other than a curfew being implemented.

Jesus never told us that the work of the gospel was "Safe" work; in fact, much of what He said was just the opposite. Consider His Words...

Mt 10:38 –Mt 10:39 (NKJV)

And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.

The community of Pena Blanca and the families that Calvary Chapel Pena Blanca are ministering to are taking notice of the fact that C.C. Pena has kept their hand to the plow, that Calvary's from the U.S. are still sending teams, and now our team has the privilege of going to serve in a place where others are leaving to seek "Safer" places to serve.

Nothing "Safe" ever results in radical ventures of faith where Jesus reveals His presence, His provision, or His protection. I choose to walk a little closer to the edge! Wanna come!

Pray for the work of the gospel through the hands, the feet, the hearts, and the mouths of those who choose to go and serve where Jesus has asked them to go....

Pastor Randy

Stay tuned for some really exciting news @ Honduras....

Check back a little later today for an exciting update on ministry conditions in and around Pena Blanca....

Pastor Randy

The Lord's abundant provision

Thanks to the Body of Christ, and our sending Church, Calvary Chapel of Greer for being the conduit through which this mission team has received such wonderful love, encouragement, and through which we've seen God's abundant provision. Once the vision was shared, the Church's response to support this work was nothing short of overwhelming. As a missions team, we can truly say that our Church is "Sending" us to do the work of the ministry that Jesus has laid out before us. What a great feeling that is! Once again, thank you.

The team has been working hard to prepare for the trip; long Sunday night meetings were devoted to prayer, fellowship, planning, and learning dramas to perform during our outreaches. They also devoted themselves, along with countless others, to the fundraising projects that not only blessed each team member with financial provision, but during the process the team began to mesh, to grow, and to work together. The yard sale and the Honduran dinner were The Lord's way of teaching this team how to serve when they were tired and pulled in too many directions, like they'll be for 12 days.....

To all who read this we ask just one more thing of you. Be in prayer, serious prayer, for the work that God has called us to as a Church! In Greer and in the Upstate of S.C. we are called to make disciples, to equip the saints for the work of the ministry (A group of equipped saints are headed to do the work!!). In our missions outreaches we are called to undergird the work and to strengthen the arms of the full time missionaries that have devoted their lives to the same things we have, but on foreign soil. Remember what Jesus said-
Mt 9:37 –Mt 9:38 (NKJV) “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

By the work of the Holy Spirit, the fearless obedience of those called to be involved, & for the Glory of The Lord, there are more laborers heading for the Harvest Field....

Continue to pray
Pastor Randy

Friday, July 24, 2009

Honduras updates coming soon!