Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Returning Home
Friday, August 7, 2009
Third-hand Friday Update
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Tutorial: Comments

Telephone Update
Sunday, August 2, 2009
We arrived at the Church quite early and had a time of prayer together as a team. Other than Kat, the ladies had not been to the Church yet so they explored the buildings and the property and I had a chance to explain the physical work that we'll be doing starting tomorrow. Eulogio had to run to pick up some people for Church, and on the way back he had an accident; a man and a little boy on a bicylcle swerved into his lane and hit him head on!!! No one was hurt, no one cried foul, and they went along their ways. This made him late for Church, where he was supposed to lead worship, so Pastor Chris asked me to do a few songs in English. A new family came, Lok's mechanic from San Pedro, and they really enjoyed the service. They said they'd be back next week, and asked for a schedule of our outreaches so they could come help!
After Church we headed back into Pena Blanca to purchase food to prepare food boxes to deliver to some families in need. We broke into two groups and went in different directions to take the food, clothes, and a message of Love in the Name of Jesus.... I don't have time to get into details, but our team was RADICALLY touched by what they saw today. The poverty, the filth, the living conditions, the children's beautiful faces, thier filthy and hungry bodies; it was too much for most of them and as we left houses (If you can call them that) we just wept. The boys that were with me shared a vision to get the Church finished so that the ministry of the Word could reach its full potential here.
At dinner I saw this thing that has happened on every mission trip I have ever led, it jsut happens different each time. As we discussed the day the team was broken before the Lord, tears were flowing as thier old ideas about their life gave way to new priorities placed in their hearts by the Holy Spirit, and the Lord moved among us in a powerful way. We had hours of prayer, ministry to one another, some accapella worship, and Pastor Chris and I layed hands on those who asked for special prayer. As I prayed for the group to receive a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit a cool wind blew through the hot room, like a cool drink to our souls. What an awesome time we had with the Lord....
Tomorrow will be a full work day; we'll be moving 8 dumptruck loads of dirt, by hand, into the Church to level the floor. After we compact the dirt we'll start pouring and finishing the concrete cloor. A second team will be moving dirt and tring to re-direct the massive amounts of water that is running into the property during the rainy season.
We are praying for you all, and even though we miss you, we are right where Jesus wants us to be
Pastor Randy
Saturday, August 1, 2009
First day of Ministry
All is well, the team is doing really well. Other than a 2+ hour delay getting out of Atlanta, all went better than we could have hoped for (Maybe people were praying.....). After we drove to Pena we ate our dinner and then got organized in our housing.
Today we had some free time in the morning to get refocused on why we are here. We took some time to organize our equipment and get ready for the coming days.
Today we saw the gifting of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the team-
We did an outreach in front of the Catholic Church in El Tigre (The Tiger), a nearby village. The rain was threatening us all day, but we didn't see more than a sprinkle. About 150 or more men, women, and children gathered to listen to American worship music and to watch the dramas. Of course, the children were all over us, and the adults started out watching from the distance. Once the dramas began they all slowly migrated close, and I think the Lord impressed them (The full time missionaries here told us that they've never seen a group do anything like what we're doing). During the last drama, King of Hearts, the rain let loose! The drama team didn't even flinch, they just kept on performing. At first the Hondurans ran for cover, but then they all came back to watch the rest of the drama! A few of us quickly tore down the sound system and loaded up, but most of the team were playing out in the rain with the kids. The Lord did some neat things in our team through the events of the day, but there isn't enough time to write about it now.
Tomorrow, after church, we're going to break into groups and deliver food/clothing boxes to some very poor families. Pray for this to be a Holy Spirit led time of ministry.
We're praying for all of you, we'll upload some pictures when we get the chance.
Blessings to all
Pastor Randy and the team

Friday, July 31, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
CC Pena Blanca's Building Project
Safety or Submission?
Mt 10:38 –Mt 10:39 (NKJV)
And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.
The community of Pena Blanca and the families that Calvary Chapel Pena Blanca are ministering to are taking notice of the fact that C.C. Pena has kept their hand to the plow, that Calvary's from the U.S. are still sending teams, and now our team has the privilege of going to serve in a place where others are leaving to seek "Safer" places to serve.
Nothing "Safe" ever results in radical ventures of faith where Jesus reveals His presence, His provision, or His protection. I choose to walk a little closer to the edge! Wanna come!
Pray for the work of the gospel through the hands, the feet, the hearts, and the mouths of those who choose to go and serve where Jesus has asked them to go....
Pastor Randy