Friday, August 7, 2009

Third-hand Friday Update

Pastor Randy called Beth at the church office to let her know that each time he's tried to update the blog, his internet connection disconnects. So, he asked that I post a quick update.

First and foremost, all is well with the team, and the team members who were suffering from physical afflictions all seem to be recovering well.

As I wrote last time, the team has adjusted their focus a little to spend time encouraging the long-term missionaries, and they have canceled a couple outreaches to be able to spend more time doing this and allowing for some recovery time. Please continue to pray that God would lead them by His Spirit and that He would give them wisdom and clear direction about how to continue to minister for the remaining few days.

Also, continue to pray for unity and perseverance. From my experience with overseas missions, the first few days are full of excitement and adrenaline, but after a few days of poor sleep, upset tummies and hard work, circumstances can begin to seem larger-than-life, and the flesh can begin to rebel strongly. Pray that the Lord would allow them to continue to set their minds on the things of the Spirit, and to trust Him completely, and that they would seek Him for strength, and He would give them the strength they need!

He also requested that we continue to pray for the team's health. He said the food is delicious but has a tendency to be a little hard on the digestion.

Praise the Lord for His faithfulness to do the work that's needed! Continue to lift them up in prayer, and may the Lord return them safely to us in a few short days!


  1. Good to hear how the team is doing, and to know how to pray for them. We miss you guys all very much, but are glad that the Lord is using everyone so mightily down there!

  2. Praise God for what He is doing in and through you guys down there. We look forward to having our missing body parts back here with the body! Love you guys

  3. The only thing that comes to mind that God wants you to know is: "God is faithful". I don't understand why, but that is it. Maybe you can tell me why you needed to hear this.

  4. Ephesians 4:2-3 Be completley humble and gentle;be patient,bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. I keep praying for everyones health and the strength to keep up the work you are doing for the Lord. Miss all of you, Rick

  5. PRAISE the LORD all day and everyday. He is touching the lives of the people of Honduras, the team and the senders. Thank you LORD!!!
