Saturday, August 1, 2009

First day of Ministry

Greetings from Pena....

All is well, the team is doing really well. Other than a 2+ hour delay getting out of Atlanta, all went better than we could have hoped for (Maybe people were praying.....). After we drove to Pena we ate our dinner and then got organized in our housing.

Today we had some free time in the morning to get refocused on why we are here. We took some time to organize our equipment and get ready for the coming days.

Today we saw the gifting of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the team-

We did an outreach in front of the Catholic Church in El Tigre (The Tiger), a nearby village. The rain was threatening us all day, but we didn't see more than a sprinkle. About 150 or more men, women, and children gathered to listen to American worship music and to watch the dramas. Of course, the children were all over us, and the adults started out watching from the distance. Once the dramas began they all slowly migrated close, and I think the Lord impressed them (The full time missionaries here told us that they've never seen a group do anything like what we're doing). During the last drama, King of Hearts, the rain let loose! The drama team didn't even flinch, they just kept on performing. At first the Hondurans ran for cover, but then they all came back to watch the rest of the drama! A few of us quickly tore down the sound system and loaded up, but most of the team were playing out in the rain with the kids. The Lord did some neat things in our team through the events of the day, but there isn't enough time to write about it now.

Tomorrow, after church, we're going to break into groups and deliver food/clothing boxes to some very poor families. Pray for this to be a Holy Spirit led time of ministry.

We're praying for all of you, we'll upload some pictures when we get the chance.

Blessings to all
Pastor Randy and the team


  1. We miss you all! The body felt your absence today, but we know it's for the glory of God, and it just makes your return that much more sweet.

    I hope you all are having a gloriously blessed day today, that God has been able to use you all more than you ever could have asked or imagined, and that you are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to minister His gospel in His power for His glory!

    Love you all!


  2. Adam said it all so I will say "Amen!" I am so pleased to be able to know what is going on. Thank you. Praise God for the opportunities that are opening for you! We continue to pray for you Blessings.....Carol

  3. The Lord is using this time to change a lot of people. You are all missed and loved, continue to do great things. Blessed be.


  4. We have been praying for you all even before you left, and we are continuing to pray for you. Chris, we are praying for your business while you are continuing in God's business. Danielle, Tony, Victoria, Kyle, Faith, Kat, we are all praying for unity for ya'll. Keli, we are praying that you will stay well the whole time. Keli and Randy, Angie and Doug, We are praying that your marriages remain strong and become stronger in the Lord. Michell, we are praying that you remain strong in the Lord and we are also praying for Tony and the family. Nick just keep on being Nick. We are praying that you also remain strong. We love you! Always keep your eyes fixed on the author and perfecter of our faith, Jesus Christ.
    In his love,
    Rick and Treacy
